Monday, June 8, 2009


I was sad last September when Corban turned 3. I have LOVED being the mom to my babies. It was the end of the baby era, an era that had lasted 21 years. I am seeing a lot of ends lately but I am happy about the one that is the subject of this post--Corban's rearend. He is out of diapers and by extension our family is out of diapers. If I were a better mathmetician I would do the math on the number of diapers we have changed but I'm not so I won't. Let me just say we have done our share of diapering and I'm okay
with this particular end.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Cute, cute photos! I have done the math, and using an average of three years per kid, eight kids, approximately 6 diapers a day... you have changed 52,560 diapers. Now go wash your hands really well. And congrats on the graduation!

Dona said...

Cool! Thanks for doing the math.

Lauren said...

Do kids really go through 6 diapers a day? That is really, really gross!!! Love you!!!