Friday, May 7, 2010

Be Still

My future son-in-law is reading Jane Eyre, a particular favorite of mine, although it has been several years since I've read it. That is one that would be worth rereading, again, which would be rerereading. He wondered if people really conversed like that back then. I think they did. I think that they spent a lot more time talking to each other. I think they had more time. Ironic because now, with all of our time saving inventions we seem to have less time. Obviously, I am generalizing. I am sure there were many people in the 1800's who went through life without any meaningful conversation. But, they didn't really know better. We do. We just have so many distractions. We are all busy. I don't think that a meaningful conversation has to take hours but it does require focus and active listening. My friend, Kathy Evans, majored in the home and family sciences. I remember her talking about how some of the best conversations can occur when a parent and a child wash dishes together. Both people are stationed in one area and focusing on a task that leaves mental awareness available for communication between the two workers. Some types of yard work accomodate this sort of conversation as well.
Be still. What a concept. It is a requirement for relationships with deity, families, friends, neighbors, and self. People who know how to  "be still" stand out. It is almost like time stops or slows down around them even when they are moving fast.

I'll try to remember. Maybe a, probably not.


Karen Mello Burton said...

It seems like when I allow stillness I fall asleep. And, of course, this happens because I go go go until I can't anymore. Thanks for the reminder. This is a goal of mine.

Robin said...

I have only recently learned how to be still. I wish I remembered to do it more often. It is so cleansing for me and really allows me to center myself.

This is a beautiful post. And I'll imagine the tattoo so it will be like you got it, only without the pain.

Nicole said...

I like this post. makes me want to read that book.

I don't like it when you don't blog every day, I'm incomplete without my daily does of crazy eight.

MaggieJo said...

Such a simple idea that brings so much peace. And so hard to do.

I missed you today and last week. Hope you are feeling better.

adrienne said...

Be still. Sounds like such a simple concept, so why is it so hard to put into effect? This will go onto my list of goals.

And Jane Eyre... oh, Jane Eyre. My all-time favorite book. Did you know Olivia's middle name is Jane?