Saturday, February 13, 2010

Home for the holiday

Child #1, let's call her SUU girl, is home for President's day. She came to see us....the family? Hmmm. I think not. While it is true that she adores us. The fact is, I left for St. George before she arrived on Friday and I might see her in Cedar City on my way back up on Monday if things work out. So it is not Autumn or me she's coming to see. Hobbes has a girl scout gig this weekend, so she's not coming to see her. The other children are great and fun to be around but I'm thinking they were not what drew her to Springville this weekend. She does love her Dad but he's pretty busy and isn't really one to sit down and chat. I am thinking she came to see....                                                      


Karen Mello Burton said...

SO, you are now in the position of second fiddle. :) They look cute together.

Love the pic with her and her dad too!

Nicole said...

hahahaha this is so funny! And wow I had no idea you were a daily blogger now!!

I have a lot of reading to do :)