Monday, February 22, 2010

A view in my room

I am happy to report that I submitted preliminary draft 2 for my Introduction to Information Organization Class. It was at a ridiculous hour, but it is turned in.

Sometime about midway through the assignment I stopped to take pictures of the view from my books. I study best down in my room where the distractions are fewer. Although I must say I like a good distraction now and then.

My life is pretty good.
I like my little corner of the world.

I am content here.
Not that I'll mind finishing grad school. (University of North Texas--Library Science)

Or occasionally leaving this space behind for a little trip out of town, or that pilgrimage in Spain, or out to lunch with a friend...I'm not picky.

And as a side note-- these little 5 hour energy drinks do work. So, if you ever desperately need to stay awake to finish a paper and your usual drug of choice is Dr. Pepper but you can't drink that because you gave your brother a promise that you would not drink Dr. Pepper for 46 weeks in honor of his 46th birthday last October and so far you have not broken that promise, and you're not going to because a promise is a promise after all, here is your answer. The bottle does say that there are no side effects but it is 5:00 in the morning and I am thinking in run-on sentences....


Karen Mello Burton said...

Love your little workspace. I am impressed that you are doing your grad work with your busy family, etc. Good for you!

Let's do a bloggy lunch sometime. Maybe all of the ladies in your ward that blog, and me. LOL I have a few ward friends that blog, but very very rarely. We can discuss strategies for ideas, etc.

I take little one-line notes during the day on my iPhone about possible post ideas, etc. Anyway, let's get together!

Danielle said...

What a cozy little study nook! And all those sentimental mom notes!

I am so impressed with your graduate school work. You're one of my smart friends.

What's the scoop on the library? Will they open Wednesday?

I miss you at co-op.

Nicole said...

I have always wondered about that 5-hour energy! Maybe I should pick one up since I too am off of soda (dr pepper in particular, cause its the worlds best soda and the only soda I drink).

Love the workspace too, my study "area" looks less cozy and more like the periodicals section in the Harold B. Lee library. But I get no phone reception down there...which is GREAT. ha ha

Also...keep thinking thoughts of the pilgrimage. It will happen!!!

Robin said...

Ooh! Lunch sounds good. I'm in (whether I eat or not).

And for me, a study space usually means/meant that I was able to clear off enough stuff on my bed for everything else I needed for studying. I've seen nooks like yours in Real Simple though. What a grown up you are!

Cliche' and out of date though it is -- you go girl!

Dona said...

Kazzy and Robin, I am all about a bloggy lunch! Let's do it!

Danielle, you are the best co-op partner in the world. Thanks for noticing the mom notes--I love them (the notes and the writers of the notes).

Nicole, I remember studying at the BYU library with Hal mostly... memories. Back then no one had cell phones or any inkling that such a thing could ever exist. wierd.