Thursday, February 25, 2010


You know how people will say, in reference to little children usually, "If I could just harness his energy...."? That's how I feel about my mom. "If I could just harness her energy"... I wouldn't even need all of it, just some of it.I could get a lot done with just a very small portion of her energy. She runs circles around me. For example, in this picture from Disneyland she is trying to encourage us all to march enthusiastically with Mickey and the band. Enthusiastic. Now that is a word that begins to describe my mother.

I have noticed a little bit of a strange phenomenon about my mom and me. The more energy she exudes the more lethargic I get. It is like a counter balance. I don't really understand it but it is interesting. Family dynamics are fascinating. Even though I have been an enormous brat to her for an embarrassingly large portion of my life, she would still do almost anything for me. I don't deserve her.


sarah said...

as you know, I suffer from the same phenomenon but she super wonderful

Karen Mello Burton said...

What a great tribute to your mom! My mom is a little firecracker too. I hope it rubs off on me.

Nicole said...

yep she's a firecracker! I struggle with finding that kind of energy as well. I'm thinking of switching my diet to the four main grandma food groups: oranges, granola, nuts, cracked wheat.

Maybe that's the secret.