Thursday, February 4, 2010

Scott and I went to see Julie and Julia in August. I thought it was a great movie. I came home totally inspired to blog everyday. I just needed to come up with a theme like Julie in the movie did. She determined to try every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook and blog daily for 1 whole year. Hmm. "What could I blog about for 365 days? Would I really blog everyday? Would I just end up feeling like a failure if I didn't stick with it? Should I change the name of my blog? Will it be stupid?" Those are a few of the questions that came to mind as I contemplated possible new adventures in blogging. So, as I often do, I stymied myself. My brain went in to overload and then I couldn't do anything. But I have decided that I really want to do this. I don't have a theme. Maybe one will evolve. Maybe one won't. It will be fun though and good for me. I think. I hope. Here goes. Really. Wish me luck. EVERY DAY for a year! (Don't laugh Lauren--or anyone else who might be skeptical.)


Karen Mello Burton said...

Hey Dona! Listen, I was just as inspired by that movie, and I came home with the same goal. I thought I would use my first year as a special ed teacher as my theme, but it turned out that I also had other things I wanted to insert here and there. Today makes day 170 for me, and I can't believe how much fun and how cathartic it has been. You go, girl! I am putting your blog on my google reader, and that means you are now obligated. :)

Robin said...

I'm glad you're going to write again. I'm behind you all the way.

Lauren said...

I was so excited to see your blog pop up on my blogroll! Yay MaDona!!! I know how hard it is to update...that's why I put it off for weeks!

Anonymous said...

How about a quote from your kids per day.