Saturday, March 13, 2010

Summer Wedding?

Any suggestions, recommendations, advice, etc on how to properly and thriftily plan for and execute a summer wedding reception would be greatly appreciated.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay! Congrats to you and your family. Being a mother-in-law... Now, when you have some good advice about that one let me know.

Church building not an option? I would love to help if/when you need it. :)

Nicole said...

Seriously? I find out via blog post?

I would say farm out tasks to family members named nicole who is happy to help... that bridge just went up in flames.

maybe we can talk about this over some chocolate chip cookies and a friendly game of settlers (which you will let me win)

Lauren said...

No way!!! Congratulations!!!!!! The chocolate fountain is yours if you need it!!!!!!!

Jessica Grosland said...

I absolutely adore the subtlety you used in announcing that your firstborn daughter is getting married. You are a crafty one. ;)

I'm so happy for her! She, Kimberly Brown, and the Schroedar girls are like my adopted older sisters. I'm so excited about things like this! Tell her I send her all my best wishes!

Jana said...
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Jana said...

Yay! Congrats to your lil' one who's not so little anymore! I wanna come! While at dinner at Nana's tonight your mom called Nan to tell her the good news! Congratulations to them both!

Danielle said...

Could you please post some details about this? Inquiring minds want to know.

Take all the help you are offered. When people ask what they can do to help, give them a couple choices.

Choose to live in each moment and enjoy it rather than worry 'cause you have sooo much to do.

Jana said...

Oh & I don't even make your sidebar?!!! Gosh I read your cute blog everyday & enjoy you cuz & I don't even get on the list! :)