Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Eggs and Stuff

----- Original Message -----

From: Johnathon Scott Gay

To: Dona GAY
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: Eggs and stuff

Dear Mom

I didn't get the letters you sent but I will probably get those soon. The office has been a little bit slow at forwarding mail lately which may cause an uprising or a  strike if they don't pick it up soon. Anyway, your over compensation hasn't quite panned out yet but it's all good. Yes, my location and companion are still the same and it had better stay that way till the end of my mission. Life on the chicken farm is good. I don't know if it's just cause there are almost 2 million of them but chickens really stink. I don't think you want chickens.
I think I'm just gonna write to Eric and Scott it sounds like they need that more than they need to write to me. But Eric had better send me a letter the DAY he gets his call. Make sure he knows that. I'm also gonna send a letter to Nathan he needs one I need to tell him how proud I am of the TONS of courage it takes to do the right thing. Well, I love you guys have fun watching conference.
You're awesome. Much love,

Thanks John,
I needed that email. It brought a tear to my eye. That could be because I had about 3 hours of sleep this morning or because I am so impresssed with the amazingness of you, or a combination of both. I hope you don't get moved again too, unless it is to your favorite area again. You are right about the letters to Eric and Scott and Nathan. I hope you do that, even if it means that you don't write us a real letter. Your priorities are straight which is an impressive thing for a 20, soon to be 21, year old man.

Dang, I was hoping you would fall in love with chickens and insist on having them.



I'll just send some pictures. I'm overdue on that. How many chickens do you want? Any more than 3 is too many in my opinion. who knows maybe they will eventually grow on me. good luck with your class. Get some sleep.


Jessica Grosland said...

I adore him. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Love your back and forth. And if you are up, and MisssRobin is up, and I am up, why aren't we playing Catan at 3 a.m. to pass the time??