Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home sick

My two little boys were sick today, just hacky coughing, yucky noses, shouldn't-be-around-other-people sick, nothing major. I stayed home from church with them. It was a quiet day, peaceful but it always feels different when I don't go to church. I miss it. I play the piano in primary. I would like to be a better piano player so that I didn't embarrass myself so often but other than that it is a perfect calling.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing with my blog . I tried a bunch of different templates. I worked on the picture that goes with the blog title and tried to come up with a different title. But what?

1 comment:

Karen Mello Burton said...

I like your new heading. I know from doing this and reading other blogs for a couple of years now, that being as personal as you feel comfortable with is a big way to connect with other people (women) who will read your blog. And to attract new readers. I just used an abstract background but have a slideshow running with family shots here and there.

Those local pics are great! How about one of you in your sidebar and one on your google profile, so people see your smiling face more?