Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just me and my shadow

Here is a photo of my shadow. I took this picture in St. George in February. It is a LARGE shadow. I would like for my shadow to be less large. So, in the spirit of daily blogging, daily home school (with weekly blogging), and soda abstinence I would like to hereby add in a daily walk with a monthly shadow picture update. This will be fun, just wait and see. Atleast a mile every day. Wish me luck, fortitude and self-discipline. Thanks.


Robin said...

I believe in you! After all the times I saw you walking to the library to work, I know you can do it.

Karen Mello Burton said...

If you take the shadow picture at extreme times of day it will be long and lean. Now I am sad.

Anonymous said...

Go Dona Go! I know you can do it!