Friday, March 12, 2010


I really want new carpet in my basement. This carpet is 20 something years old and I think it is time go get a nice, sturdy, shaggy type of carpet. But, if we were going to do that we would need to change the 90's wallpaper and paint the walls that haven't been painted in 20 years. Well, unless you consider fingerprints and occassional fits of graffiti a form of painting, in which case our walls have been painted MANY times, as recently as today. It would be one of those not really knowing where to begin or end sort of projects and that doesn't fit into the budget, financially or time wise. So I'll just declutter some more and straighten things up and remember how lucky we are to have a good, solid home and little people that I adore "painting" wherever they go.


Nicole said...

Hey I really like the new blog layout! And it's funny, cause I am trying to find a new place to live for spring/summer--somewhere I can stay semi-permanently instead of hopping around every semester. But I would really like to find a place with shaggy carpet that fits into my budget too. It makes a difference! One day, maybe we will both have shaggy carpet to run our toes through ;)

Robin said...

Been there. Done that. The power of acceptance is strong!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yes, that domino effect will kill ya. We have done much more to the upstairs than the downstairs. However, the "flood" (as opposed to "blood") money allowed us to recarpet the entire house. The decluttering alone will feel like a remodel!

I agree about being thankful for a good solid home. Amen!