Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We do have a lot of cats, hundreds of cats, thousands of cats....Yesterday, Corban was standing on our side porch for quite some time observing the cats. After a while he came back into the house and told Amanda, "I don't know what the cats are trying to tell me." He can be a little intense sometimes.

I am thinking that I will drop my attempt at nicknames. I forget to use them sometimes and I haven't come up with good ones for some of my people. Plus, I'm just really tired so I'll think about it some more tomorrow.

I am feeling Corban's frustration, but amplified. I've been standing out on a porch (metaphorically) observing life for a while and I don't know what life is trying to tell me.


Jana said...

Me neither!!!! I don't understand this crazy life but trust that everything happens for a reason. I sure wish I knew that bleepin' reason sometimes! I'm glad about the nicknames... my mind is too simple & your family it too big :)

Robin said...

I'm pretty sure it's telling you to eat more chocolate and play more games.

I'll help!

Karen Mello Burton said...

It is saying, just number your kids. That's what I do.

sarah said...

it's blowin'in the wind...move to texas...move to texas

or atleast visit

Grant Skousen said...

I'm glad you have started with the regular posts. I'm enjoying them.