Thursday, March 25, 2010

Eggs are Tasty on a Tuesday

Last week Amanda's artistic impulses led her to attempt to animate some of our eggs. It's a little alarming, in a fun way, to open a carton of eggs and be met with faces. I insisted on photos of them.
Now fast forward from last week to yesterday (technically rewind). Johnathon's weekly email came with the subject line "eggs are tasty on a Tuesday".


My week was a busy week. We had lots to do. There are so many different kinds of people in the world it's just odd. A lady we're teaching named Tina tried converting us to veganism, hard core veganism. Some guy wanted to know about the end of the world. And all kinds of crazy stuff. We do have one solid family we are teaching, The Palmer family. And I live on a egg farm with 1.8 million chickens. The owner is actually related to the egg farmers in Napolean Dynamite. I thought that was funny.

Love ya till next week


I don't abridge John's letters. This is how they come. Well, sort of. I do some editing; grammar, spelling, a little punctuating.  In this case, I chose not to edit his closing so that you could analyze it with me. It is possible that he is saying "Love ya till next week at which point I am done with the lot of you." Hopefully, what he meant to say is, "Love ya'. Till next week." Just in case it's the former I made everyone write to him today, including me. Are 7 letters enough to restore his love?



Karen Mello Burton said...

Til next week, and beyond. I think he just forgot those last couple of words.

Seems like no mom of a male missionary ever thinks her son writes enough. :)

Love the animated eggs.

Robin said...

I think eggs are nasty -- but I don't think that has anything to do with your post.

I love your kids! And I miss seeing Amanda's elfin drawings. She is a very talented artist. Those eggs practically spoke to me.

And the email is perfect just the way it is. It is so completely Johnathan.

K and D Roylance said...

I like eggs, scrambled, with toast. It doesn't even have to be a's usually a late evening meal.

We used to sneak grandpa's eggs at Easter, color them and put them back in the carton for a surprise...I like Amanda's version as an addition to the coloring. Think we'll try that with a dozen for the grandkids this year

If you get another letter from Jonathan, next Tues, it should be a sign he still loves you. Hope the wait isn't too stressful! (he continues to be in our prayers, his family too.)

Jessica Grosland said...

Amanda is so cool. Seriously.

And I LOVE that you titled this post "Eggs are tasty on a Tuesday" because I remember all of the times we were together as a youth group singing that song; Kyle, Jordan, Johnathan, James, and the whole lot of us! Good times!

Dona said...

Jess, I knew you would recognize the title. I was eagerly awaiting your comment. Did it make you break out in song? "Eggs are tasty on a Tuesday, Tuesday is the day that eggs are tasteeeee."

D-We eat a lot of eggs which is why we should have chickens. Maybe we can when John gets home from living on the chicken farm. Thanks for the prayers-much needed, much appreciated.

misssrobin-You don't like eggs? How do you live? Thanks for recognizing John in the email and proclaiming it perfect. I enjoy his Hemingwayness.

Kazzy-I have a vision of your boys waxing poetic in long, beautifully handwritten letters that arrive at your home at regular intervals. I'll go with the beyond part.

Sam said...

I broke into song.