Saturday, April 24, 2010


After work today my mom and I drove to Provo to meet daughters 1 and 3 who were dress shopping. Wedding dress shopping.
Very exciting.
She found one, with able assistance from her little sister.
It is beautiful.
She is beautiful in it.

After a wonderful dinner at Zupa's,
We left Samantha in Provo with her boyfriend fiance.
On the way home we were discussing events in the one-week-from-being-16-year old's life (daughter #3)
A recent negative encounter with her friend who is a boy has left her feeling angry and, dare I say, vengeful.
I was trying to suggest that it is generally best to err on the side of kindness when this poem popped into my head, just as my mom started to recite it outloud.

I have wept in the night
For the shortness of sight
that to somebody's need made me blind.

But I never have yet,
felt a tinge of regret
For being a little too kind
                             --Author Unknown

 Weird. (I must have learned it from my mom.)
But applicable.
I love it when I find out that I have something like this stored in my memory banks. It is my hope that if I go senile these are the sorts of things that I will say to my grandchildren when they come visit.
 I hope to be pleasant in my old age which is approaching rapidly as indicated by the fact that I have a child old enough to be out shopping for, and successfully selecting a wedding dress.

I do try to remember to err on the side of kindness, but I am not always successful.
So, I'll keep working on it, and for those of you who have felt my lack of kindness from time to time, I apologize.
Unless, of course, you deserved it.


Karen Mello Burton said...

That is a great thought to remember. Another one that we try to remember is to assume people are doing things with the best intentions. Man, that is hard when you feel wronged. But It IS possible.


Robin said...

You have a wonderful mind. I am not at all surprised that you have things like this in there.

And you are very good at being kind, even when people don't deserve it.

I loved that teeny, tiny bit of snarkiness in the last line. Please forgive me for enjoying that.

Anonymous said...

Of all the memory making times yesterday's wedding gown shopping was a major one -

Bless your heart, mother of the bride to be!

Bless that beautiful bride to be who is graduating from Southern Utah University this week then on to more learning in the 'marriage curriculum' aimed at even a higher degree.


As to the kindness 'rime'
It's not easy all the time.
But it really works and it is key
To do to others as I would have them do to me.

Anonymous said...

(Even if they don't deserve it)