Friday, April 9, 2010

When Johnny comes marching home

What will I do when John comes marching home again and I no longer have his letters for respectable blog post filler? I really was stumped for a topic last night. It was nice to have the email. It even came with photos.

I also like to use quotes to build a post around. Tonight I decided that I would just open one of my picture files and find something to post from it. I came across this quote that I loved. It was in a book by Elizabeth Berg, The Art of Mending, which I read about three years ago. The book was okay but I thought the quote was spectacular. One of my children had played with it in some paint program and somehow it ended up a random presence in my photo files.

Let's all meet in that field. Soon.


Robin said...

Love this. I'll be pondering it for a while.

But I already have a headache, so I guess it's okay.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Cool quote. I love the imagery. I would love to go to that field. :)