Friday, April 16, 2010

My #7 is seven

Six went out with a bang and seven came in with one. No whimpering around here.
So far we are loving seven.
A simply spectacular cake courtesy of his sisters.

Grandma Sylvia fixed us all breakfast and brought over 7 presents centered around a bird theme,  3 birdfeeders/houses, 2 bird books, bird food all culminating in the traditional rice krispy treat shaped like......
You guessed it! (No, not a bird) A seven.

There were gummy worms involved and consumed in the festivities which always help us remember Grandpa Howard and his penchant for pulling gummy worms out of children's ears. (Sounds gross, but everybody always loved it!) Plus the gummy worms even fit in with the bird theme Grandma had selected and run with. Because birds eat worms and, I don't think Grandma took her theme to this extreme, but Jeremiah is one of my early birds and so he does get the proverbial worm that is the prize of early risers. (Or so I've heard).

 I was not fast enough or my mind nimble enough to document the Grandma Sylvia event photographically. I will try to remedy that over the next few days by capturing pictures of birds flocking to the birdfeeders. If the cats don't scare them away.

The rice krispy treat 7 was gone in a matter of minutes so there will be no photos of that forthcoming.

A very late lunch, could be considered dinner, was enjoyed at the resturaunt of Jeremiah's choice. That would be McDonalds. The one in Spanish Fork because we haven't been to that one in a while.

When Dad came home from work we sang Happy Birthday, with some help from our neighbors, ate cake and then it was off to WalMart for a little shopping.
Now at 1:00 in the morning we are calling it a day. A fun day. A memorable day. A let's all please go to bed now day.

Happy Birthday to you, Jeremiah!


Jana said...

Happy birthday! Lots of work went into that sign & cake! Very cute!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Man, you guys do it up big! Fun!

Danielle said...

Tell 'Miah Happy Birthday from Sister Taylor. I miss him. He is such a fun, sweetheart. I enjoyed reading about his special day and wished I could have seen the 7.