Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On Blogging

I don't really wonder if,
I know for a fact that...
I am spending too much time blogging.

I was afraid that by now, 2 months into my year long commitment, I would hate it and want to quit, and then quite possibly I would quit. Instead I find that I like it. I know my posts are lame sometimes but I'm okay with that.

My friend, misssrobin, whom I have mentioned before, has recently commited to blog more often as well. She has chosen to blog every weekday. I really enjoy her posts and look forward to them. Yesterday she had a very short post. It was, simply, "Sorry -- I'm out of ink." Clever! How clever is she? Super clever. She conveyed a lot in that little sentence.

For some reason this phrase made me think of the scripture in 1 Nephi 2:15, And my father dwelt in a tent.  I cannot say why exactly my mind leapt from Robin's blog to ancient scripture but it did. Nephi was, and I mean no disrespect, the ultimate blogger. Talk about a commitment. He had to get out his chisel and nail and carve about what he and his family were doing day after day after day. "My brothers tried to beat me up again"....Can you imagine how much he would have loved a copy and paste feature? There was probably more he could have told us about the tent and the wilderness but I think he ran "out of ink", or was tired of chiseling for the day. Sort of like Robin was yesterday.

It is not that writing my actual post really takes me that long but sometimes I spend a lot of time looking for a particular picture or trying to get it just right on the page  or checking my spelling and grammar (see misssrobin's post for today too) and before I know it an hour has gone by. OR, I start reading the blogs that I read every day, which also doesn't really take me that long except that sometimes I start blog hopping and before I know it an hour has gone by. So I am going to limit the amount of time I spend on blogging. It's just that blogs are right at my fingertips when I am supposed to be designing a database and writing a technical manual uggg. Which would you rather do? (Don't answer that Grant. He's a computer genius).  Anyway, I'll end with another scripture.

"It came to pass that Dona was in much need of atleast a B- in her class. So she went forth seeking help and tutoring from those who were more learned than she. After much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (seriously) it was determined that she should no longer procrastinate the day of her assignments. And Dona dwelt at her desk."
Gaylatians 44:9


K and D Roylance said...

I really like the personalized scripture.
Now I have to turn off the computer as my grandchldren will soon be on the doorstep and we don't even want to discuss the state of my house

Karen Mello Burton said...

Ironically, since I started my own daily writing adventure (day 231 in a row today), I spend less time blogging than I did when I was a sporadic writer. It has become more systematic and smoother for me. And I read about 35 blogs a day too, but luckily they are not all daily writers.

I believe a librarian should be a writer. Makes sense to me!

Robin said...

I loved this! And, wow, another shout out. Thanks again.

I can't say I've ever thought one of your posts was lame. Love them. Love you.

Do I hear Sonic calling?

Danielle said...

Aaah, that's so cute. I don't think your posts are lame, either. So glad to chat with you for a minute at the library. You are great. I miss you.