Friday, April 23, 2010


There is nothing.
No words.
I'm not sad
or depressed.
Just tired
All of my words are being used for other things.
Maybe I will find some more tomorrow, at the library.
There are lots of words there.
I'll bring some home to post with.
If I remember.
And if there is room in my brain
or my heart
or my bookbag to carry them here to my blog.


Robin said...

Sorry. Been there. I actually like the words you used when you didn't have words. I think you captured the feeling beautifully.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love that photo.

And the words sometimes just aren't there. One reason I do music once a week is not only to have a creative place for that, but also to take a break from words. Written ones anyway.

Kdeane said...

This is a beautiful poem, really!

Anonymous said...

WOw ! You can even express yourself well when you are 'out of words' ! Great post ! Gifted writing !