Friday, April 2, 2010

The Golden Rule

The new modem is up and running. Hallelujah. Now I can connect to the internet again and everything is faster.

I read a book about a year ago that was about applying the golden rule in life. I am trying to remember the title. The author began by stating variations of the golden rule that exist as a principle in almost all major religions and/or cultures. He asserted that there shouldn't be a separate code for business. If we are striving to live the golden rule it should be across the board, not selective. This makes sense to me. Is it easy to do? No. Is it important? I think it is essential. Is it possible to succeed in this world while practicing the golden rule? I hope so. But it doesn't seem like it.

Yes, I have issues.

I get frustrated when situations arise where I think the golden rule, as it applies to me and those I love, is not being utilized, or worse yet, trampled on. I have even been known to pronounce judgement on individuals, in my head and sometimes outloud, although rarely to anyone's face because I am a bit of a coward/wimp. Then I start thinking of all of the ways I am not living the golden rule and I have to back down. But tonight, let me just say, "Mr. B you are going to....heck in a handbasket for not practicing the golden rule!" Which then of course, I'm not living it either because I wouldn't want someone telling me that I'm going to heck in a handbasket unless of course I really am in which case someone SHOULD tell me because I would want to know. Wouldn't I? There goes my brain doing the loop de loop thing again.

An employer should pay a worker what he is worth or atleast try to. Right? Especially when said worker does the work of two people and has helped Mr. B build a successful business even in these uncertain economic times. That's all I'm sayin'. I better stop, but I could go on and on and on........Because,
Really, no one works harder than this guy.

1 comment:

Karen Mello Burton said...

Way to stand by your man! In business following the Golden Rule seems like weakness to many. Sad but true.

I'll bet S really does work hard and has been of great service to that company.