Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Place of Her Own

Tonight I am in Cedar City. I had the chance to observe child #1 interact with some of the people she has worked with and learned from for the last 4 years.  Also today, I read her honors thesis. In it she compares her growth as a writer to her growth as student and person. I realized as I observed her and read what she wrote that she had found a place where she belonged. She had made a life for herself and it was good. Coming of age, finding herself, coming into her own. Whatever it is called, she accomplished it and now she is ready to move on and do it again. But wherever she goes now she'll always take the feeling of belonging with her because it isn't a place it's a state of being.


Karen Mello Burton said...

SUU is areally cool place, and it is so great that your daughter found her "self" there. Good for her and good for you guys too. :)

Robin said...

She's awesome. You're awesome.

I'm so glad I know you both.

Danielle said...

aaah, it does a mother's heart good. What a great feeling of satisfaction for both of you! Many congratulations!