Sunday, April 4, 2010

Information Organization Project

It's called an IOP for short. That is the only thing short about it as far as I can tell, besides my attention span and or understanding of it. Draft 3 is due tomorrow
tonight. I haven't quite wrapped my brain around some of the concepts but it's getting better, closer, something.

On a happier note. Easter was nice. Saturday I worked and Scott worked so Sydnee and Caleb were in charge. Scott left eggs and egg dye and asked Sydnee to supervise the dying of some eggs. He was thinking 3 or 4 dozen. We came home to 12 dozen beautifully colored Easter eggs. Very festive. Hard boiled eggs all around. We had egg gravy on toast for dinner last night. Yummy.

General conference was fantastic. My cup is full. I heard the golden rule mentioned as well as not judging others and repentance and forgiveness. I am sure that there is more going on with Mr. B ( I was thinking of changing his alias to Ebenezer, as in Scrooge) than I realize and I need to just let it go. So, I'll work on that. If the subject of my spouse's employment should come up again I will refer to Mr. B as Ebenezer, for the sake of consistency and continuity and perhaps a little bit of bitterness/revenge. Maybe the subject won't ever come up again.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Homework... I can't stand it. I will never ever give homework to students. I think it is wrong.

I think everyone listening to conference this weekend has an Ebnenezer in his/her life. So the message was universal, and very needed.

Glad you had a good weekend. :)

Jessica Grosland said...

I realized that I really, really like when you post about doing homework. For some reason, it really helps me to know that there is someone else out there who is cramming to get an assignment in on time and stressing out about classwork. Especially because that someone is you, and I like you. :)

Sending you good wishes!

Robin said...

I am sending you good wishes, too. For all the homework in your life.

Katy said...

Is egg gravy real? If it is, I have several eggs I need to use up, too . . .