Monday, April 19, 2010

I would walk 500 miles

My friend Maggie started training for a half marathon, maybe it is a full blown marathon. She looks fantastic and she says she feels great.  I have had the beginnings of feeling like I should really engage in some consistent physical exercise regimen for YEARS. 

I just don't want to be this person anymore. And by that I mean, this person that can't seem to commit to something and stick with it. I see people engaged and focused and consistent all around me and wonder what is wrong with me?

I read somewhere recently that for every child a woman has her risk of obesity increases 7%. Which if you count my 3 miscarriages, that is a 77% risk. I know a lot of people who have had multiple children who aren't overweight. So, I think that study is sort of bogus. How did they even determine such a thing.

Back to Maggie and the marathon, I think it is amazing that she is doing it. I need to find something that motivates me like that. I would like to run a 5 or 10K someday. (I'm not sure that I have a marathon in me.) But I am pretty sure that my body would rebel in some pretty major ways if I were to attempt to take up running at this juncture.

I can, however, commit to 10,000 steps 4 days a week and 15,000 steps 3 days a week. It is more than the mile a day I was going to do according to my March 6th post. I kind of haven't been keeping up with that so well. But, tomorrow is a new day and I can start with counting my steps and work up to jogging later on. So that someday I can be cool, like Maggie. Well, probably never that cool.


K and D Roylance said...

I hear you! I also have been unable to commit to any kind of regular exercise and wonder why. I know my heart would be happier if I'd exercise. I keep hoping that this new day might be the one that gives me the motivation.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I want to exercise sooo badly. I have committed to walking 4 days a week once my teaching break starts at the end of May. I would have a hard time doing that AND teaching AND going to school.

Wanna walk together? Maybe get a small group? For June, July, August?

MaggieJo said...

I am so flattered! I don't even know what to say. So much so that I'm tempted to delete this and pretend I didn't read it. All I can say is, I have said so many many many prayers to get me dress in workout clothes, to do something in my workout clothes and once going, to keep going.

This quote helps me too. "Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind (I'll summit the spirit) run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night.But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired." General Patton. Thanks for making me feel so good! This is very encouraging to keep going!

Anonymous said...

Yah for you and your committment -
you are taking 'steps in the right direction' Keep it up !