Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The rat race

The trouble with being in the
rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat.
      --Lily Tomlin

I have been pondering this quote for a couple of days. It is funny and it is true. I find myself acting like a rat all too often. It bothers me when I do. So I should stop, acting like a rat. I think the quote is sending the same message as "we should be in the world, not of the world."  It isn't possible to avoid the rat race but we should be in the rat race but not be a rat, right?


Jessica Grosland said...

Well, what if you're a CAT in the rat race? Then you get all sorts of deliciousness no matter what place you finish in. :)

(It's comments like these that freaked out my high school teachers so much.)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Great interpretation! The rat race us about killing me right now. And where's my cheese?

Nicole said...

ha ha...I've got to tell you. You ARE clever. Whether you think so are not.
You are.
Are too.
Are too.
Yep, I win.

Robin said...

At least you're in the race. I got tired and sat down. Then Jessicat got me. But it made her happy, so I guess it's all good.

(Guess we know where she gets it.)