Sunday, April 25, 2010


The Flowering Almond Bush was in bloom today so we attempted the annual  Flowering Almond Bush Photo aka FABP. We experienced a little miracle that Samantha happened to be here this weekend, unexpectedly. So it looked like we would have everyone present, with the exception of Elder Gay who is occupied on the Lord's errand in Washington State which is an acceptable excuse for missing the yearly event.

We have started initiation procedures for the fiance. We explained the importance of being available around this time of the year, every year for "the photo session". He seemed a little startled at the prospect. Actually, I am not sure how to proceed with this tradition. Should I try to make everyone return annually as my progeny grows or should I just exact it as a price paid by those living at home at the time and all others are excused?
Over the years we have had guest appearances in the FABP. We have had years where cousins, grandparents or friends were included if they were so blessed as to be present on the Sunday that the bush is in bloom.

Let's do a head count.
#1 plus her husband to be, "here" and "here"
#2 Johnathon (excused absence),
*Conspicuous silence*
  Yep, we were missing one.
To #3's credit, I did tell her that #1 would be available until 4 or 5 but then #1 had to leave sooner than that.
(Some story about finals and wanting to study so she could do well...)
To #3's discredit, she had an unexcused absence on the day of the FABP, a very serious offense.
Any suggestions for a suitable punishment will be duly noted.
She was off exploring the beauties of nature and didn't return in time.

She certainly looks guilty but sort of repentant so I guess I'll let her off for good behavior, or something.

Here we are. Almost all present and accounted for.
Don't we look spectacular?

Happy Spring everyone!


Karen Mello Burton said...

I think the FABP is a great idea! It makes a lovely back drop.

Do you feel like blogging has helped to remind you to take more photos? I know it does that for me.

Have a good day!

Robin said...

It's a fun tradition and a beautiful backdrop.

I, too, have found myself questioning various traditions, starting new ones, as my children grow. Things just don't fit anymore. They aren't as easy. How much work are they really worth?

It sure is tough to know which ones to let slide and which ones to put my foot down about. Good luck with this one.

Anonymous said...

Great photo op tradition !

Great family making !

Great family stuff!


Anonymous said...

that was suppose to read -
Great photo op tradition !

Great memory making !

Great family stuff happening !


Danielle said...

Very nice. I love family photos. I planned to do one in the spring for a change rather than fall because of Peter's return and now Abby will be in CA for 4 months. Hmmm. I guess if we're quick the Sunday he's first home. Nanna says the count is 9. Jay and I count 11.

You have a lovely family and it's fun to have the family grow with in-laws.

Julie Ann said...

You all look so good! I miss you guys! And when is the wedding!!!! I am so excited:)
I love you all very much

adrienne said...

Beautiful (the family and the bush)!