Saturday, April 3, 2010

Family photo

This is the closest thing we've had to a family photo in many years and it isn't really one because John's not in it. When it was time for Johnathon to leave on his mission, Samantha was just starting a job up at the girl scout camp and Amanda had just graduated from high school so I never did get all of us in one place at one time. I am excited about getting a complete family photo in June. This one was taken last August. Samantha and Sydnee made the spectacular cake for Amanda's 19th birthday.


Robin said...

Yeah, we haven't had a family portrait in way too long either. Good to see the ones you have look about like the ones we have.

We'll be underachievers together!

Nicole said...

haha pretty sure my mom says the SAME thing. Fam pics are the best! and that cake is incredible!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Before the photo session we had least weekend it had been 3 years since we had done some. You guys always look so happy, and like you really enjoy each other. I love it!

adrienne said...

Fantastic cake, fantastic photo, fantastic family!!