Thursday, April 1, 2010


In my other life, and by that I mean the life that I had before I became employed, I used to read to my children a lot. I don't do that as much now and I miss it. The Spooky Old Tree has been a family favorite ever since Samantha's friend, Amanda Bullock, gave it to her at their 4th birthday party. When I read it outloud I  always personalize it so that the three little bears are whichever three children I happen to be reading to at the time. "Oh there's Sam, John and Amanda." Or "Sydnee, Caleb and Autumn." They have all loved this book. Tonight Samantha was reading it to the little boys. Or should I say, trying to read it to the little boys. Jeremiah kept asking her questions.

Jeremiah: Why isn't there any sap in that tree?
Samantha: I don't know.

Jeremiah: How can that tree be so big?
Samantha: It is a magic tree.
Jeremiah: Oh

Jeremiah: Why are they afraid to go over great sleeping bear if they are bears?
Samantha: Good question. Maybe because he's grumpy.

My favorite part of the book is the end.
Mama Bear is watching out the window and the three little bears are running towards her.

Three little bears
 running fast
 Home again.
 Safe at last.

The last picture shows her on the front porch hugging them. At this point I would usually hug whoever I was reading to and call them my little bears.

Shouldn't I do a better job of watching out the window and being on the front porch when my children come home from venturing in "spooky old trees"?


Karen Mello Burton said...

Maybe, but teaching them to fight the scary things on their own is good too!

I try to read to my kids and sometimes they go for it and sometimes they don't.


Jessica Grosland said...


No, really. You don't understand. I L-O-V-E this book. Thanks for writing about it and making me remember.