Thursday, April 22, 2010

A motto

Let's make better mistakes tomorrow.
                              Sarah Skousen Tippetts

I am unashamedly stealing tonight's quote from my little sister's blog. She actually has two blogs. One is her family blog and the other is her design blog where she highlights her work and/or design ideas she likes. It is brilliant, because she is brilliant and amazing.

I love this quote because it gives permission to mess up. In fact, it doesn't just give permission, it encourages and supports error. I love it. I think I might make a sampler or a throw pillow or something with it. Maybe it will be our homeschool motto. I've been trying to come up with one for about 15 years now. I'm not proud. My sister can be responsible for my motto. She named my blog for me too.
This quote makes me thing I should revel in the mistakes of today and I need that. I tend to review things in my head and beat myself up for things I wish I had done differently throughout the day, week, year(s), life.

Let's make better mistakes tomorrow.

Yes, let's.


Karen Mello Burton said...

I'm liking this motto. A lot.

Anonymous said...

This idea frees us up gives us 'permission to jump in there and be creative without the inhibition or fear of not getting it just right -We CAN make better mistakes tomorrow !